The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

SALON Sorority x The Handmaid’s Tale

Ladies only book club

SALON Sorority x The Handmaid’s Tale

When: TUE, February 13, 7pm–10pm
Where: Café Phil
Entry: Free, non-members welcome, girls* only!

This Tuesday, the 4th Salon Sorority event is happening at the café Phil at which there will be readings made from the beloved author, Margaret Atwood’s book, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” A good old chat will be had about the trending book, not only due to its realisation into a TV series (that will soon air the second season), but also due to the fact that the themes it explores are very relevant to today.

Recommended if you like: networking, constructive feminism, sister love, book clubs, reading and being read to, discussion the written word, sharing interpretations

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