The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Schlaflos im Februar mit Ion Ludwig

Go out for some Techno partying

Schlaflos im Februar mit Ion Ludwig

When: SAT, February 9, 11pm–6am
Where: Pratersauna
Entry: 8€, get your tickets, here

Was it one of your New Year’s resolutions to hit up more Techno parties? We thought so. It’s a common resolution. And here’s your chance to make good on that promise with these live DJs at Pratersauna Get a taste of the music, here:

Recommended if you like: Pratersauna, making good on your New Year’s resolutions, live DJs, hitting the dance floor like you MEAN IT, showing off all of your new dance moves, bopping to the beat because you’re too cool to go all out

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