Be entertained and get informed at the event
Science Busters Corona spezial
When: FRI, August 28, 8pm–10pm
Where: USUS am Wasser
Entry: 19€, buy a ticket
As part of the USUS am Wasser live event series that’s happening all summer long, your favourite science trio, the Science Busters, will hit the stage this Friday, with a show completely dedicated to your least favourite virus. You’ll get answers to questions you didn’t even know you had! They’ll answer questions like whether it’s possible to get infected by a fart, or why it’s not possible to just squeeze a virus to death. Sounds like a laugh, right? Now, we really want to know the answer to the fart question.
Recommended if you like: always telling your friends scientific facts they don’t care about, learning new things while being entertained, collecting random information, presenting random facts and information as your party trick, getting your loud laugh on
Fri. 28th Aug
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