The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

SEELOmat // 7*Stern Wohnzimmerkonzert

Admire a talented Viennese band on a chilled night at Cafe 7*Stern

SEELOmat // 7*Stern Wohnzimmerkonzert

When: WED, September 30, 8pm–10pm
Where: Cafe 7*Stern
Entry: 10€, make sure to sign up via mail

This Wednesday, you can fill your earholes with songs sung in dialect by the Viennese band, SEELOmat!

A diverse range of observations of everyday life will be wrapped in tunes with a wide range of instruments and served up to you if you decide to get your cute butt on down to Cafe 7*Stern this Wednesday! We could all use fewer heartbreak songs and more songs about things everybody actually relates to, right? (wink, wink)


Recommended if you like: Austrian–German more than German–German, chilling at a cafe while listening to live music, unique music, finally getting to listen to songs that aren’t about heartbreak, songs in dialect, feeling at home when you hear dialect

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