The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Ska Summer Party 2019

Go crazy at this ultimate Ska party

Ska Summer Party 2019

When: SAT, July 6, 7pm–10:30pm
Where: Kramladen
Entry: 12€ at the doors

Two well-known Ska bands, Skatapult (Austria) and the German Psycho and SKA Funk’L, are gonna make sure this Ska Party will surpass every Ska Fan’s expectations. Get out to this party and find out that really quiet guy at the office is secretly a Ska-head. Don’t talk to him though. He’s doing his thing. Get pumped up, here:

Recommended if you like: Ska, screaming along with lyrics you don’t know with some friends you just made, tap dancing until your shoes fall apart, Austrian drinking culture, running into people you never expected to see at a Ska concert, Kramladen

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