The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

So Mi Like It – Finest Dancehall, Hip Hop & Afro, Feb 9

Caribbean and Latin American vibes to get you in the mood for Carnival season

So Mi Like It – Finest Dancehall, Hip Hop & Afro

When: FRI, February 9, 10pm–5am Where: The Loft Entry: 7€ < 11pm > 10€ With February being Carnival time, it is worth baring in mind that lots of places celebrate beyond the single day we celebrate here in Austria (we know one place where the events and festivities start a full month before the tourists arrive) with that in mind, don’t be afraid to start going to seek out some Carnival action a week early. This Friday at the Loft, there will be the Caribbean/Latin American vibes to get you in the mood for the craziness of Carneval. Recommended if you like: having nothing to lose, beer and cigarettes, one day of stubble, Afrobeat, dancehall, shirts with big collars, big sweeping dancfloors, getting some serious dancing done on a Friday night, Al Green, Taj Mahal, funking it up on a Friday (whatever the hell that means) [totop]



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