Soak in the last rays of summer
Visit as many open air parties and Strassenfeste (street festivals) as you can before it’s too late, finish off your summer bucket list, dine in a Schanigarten, drink along the Donaukanal and lie in a park!
Squeeze summer like a lemon – or your lovers bottom during some hot, ravenous sex – before the city cools down. While September is not completely included in summer, plenty of outdoor events can still be seen happening around the city, with the sun typically sticking around until the end of the month.
Make the most out of enjoying life in the great outdoors. Oh, and check out our weekly WHAT TO DO guide released every Thursday for tips on the open air events happening around the city.
Recommended if you like: summer, having your bikini as the thing you wear most, cocktails, sun kissed skin, good times in the great outdoors, working on your tan line until the bitter end
Sat. 01st Sep — Sun. 30th Sep