The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

SOLAR BLAZE presents Holy Snatch

Complex, filthy & psychedelic sounds at B72

SOLAR BLAZE presents Holy Snatch

When: THU, March 15, 8:30pm–6:09am
Where: B72
Entry: free!

Vienna-based Psychedelic & Space Rock group, Solar Blaze, describe their music as ‘Jazzedelic Funk’n’Roll’. This Thursday, they’ll be performing a gig and presenting their new video, Holy Snatch, at B72. We can’t tell you more about it, because we’re not quite sure ourselves what to expect, except that it’ll be interesting. For sure! Get a taste of them, here:

[fve] [/fve]

Recommended if you like: not knowing what to expect from an event, sex in dirty public toilets, somebody nibbling on your earlobe, checking out local music talents, messy nights full of booze and dry humping, flicking a really muscly bouncer behind the ear and then running away before he can catch you

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