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Sommerfest 2017: Nutze dein Museum | dotdotdot

Museum celebrates anniversary with the dotdotdot festival

Sommerfest 2017: Nutze dein Museum | dotdotdot

When: TUE, July 4, 5pm–12am Where: Volkskundemuseum Entry: free! As the dotdotdot open air short film festival kicks off, in cooperation with the The Austrian Museum for Folk art and Folk,  they’re inviting one and all to a party. As a proper celebration for the 100 year anniversary of the museum in Josefstadt, the party will start at 5pm with drinks and snacks in their majestic inner courtyard garden. Following this will be a free tour of the museum, workshops and loads of other fun. Recommended if you like: special types of anniversaries, getting to know Austrian folklore, free beverages and snacks, nice inner courtyard gardens, going to museums and paying nothing, snack-sized short films




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