Sunday picnic with a view
Sonntagspicknick am Luftschloss Cobenzl 23/7
When: SUN, July 23, 12pm–8pm
Where: Cafe Cobenzl, Am Cobenzl 94, 1190
Some funky things are happening up on the mountain of Vienna, Cobenzl, and you better get your ass up there before others hear about it! The hip new cafe set in the Cobenzl palace, in cooperation with Zum Roten Bären, are serving up picnic to all willing to eat a bunch of yummy food in the surrounding grass areas around the cafe. There’s also a popup market happening and some background music coming from the trees. It’s an idyllic setting. Get more details here, people.
Recommended if you like: antipasto, Jause, bread and cheese and stuff, falling asleep under a tree, hairy legs
Sun. 23rd Jul