The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

A dance that challenges tradition

Sons of Sissy

When: MON, July 24, 9pm–10pm
Where: Volkstheater
Entry: 8–48€/6–40€ (get em here)

WARNING– there is nudity in this dance number, which might scare some of you off, but we doubt it. In this performance, the dancers deconstruct traditional dance, but not musically, musically all is present, they elegantly bounce nakedly around the stage, debasing cultural cliches in their dance.


Recommended if you like:  nudity, adonis’s, dance, live performances, impulstanz, impulsive dance, being cultural, having something to talk about at work drinks/dinner parties, outdoing work colleagues, showing up the boss, deconstructing cultural cliches, freeing the nipple… and other things

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