Windsurfing, river surfing, or good ol’ regular surfing – they’ll show (almost) any movie related to surfing at this little one day festival. The SöRF FiLM FEST looks to showcase the power and emotion of the water and the waves. If you are interested in seeing what it is like to ride a wave, or are already part of the surf scene, turn up to the Gartenbaukino this Wednesday to see a whole bunch of movies about surfing. 8 different movies will be screened at this film festival. Check out the programme, here.
Sun. 15th Aug
Recommended if you like:
the rebel lifestyle, surfy bums, stories from afar, dreaming of exotic places and then traveling to them, trying not to be afraid of sharks, the beach, The Beach, the water, eating sausages on the beach with your toes sunk into the sand, getting sand stuck in places where it is really uncomfortable
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