The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

SoulSugar SommerSause Cobenzl

A party with loads of soul on the hill

SoulSugar SommerSause Cobenzl

When: SAT, June 23, 2pm–5am
Where: Cafe Luftschloss Cobenzl
Entry: 5€ < 4pm, 10€ < 9pm > 13€ (8€ available at Jugendinfo)

As always at this castle cafe in the sky above Vienna, the pure duration of the event makes it more like a Saturday festival. With activities, such as a Lindy Hop workshop, and a Kiddy disco happening on top of a big DJ line-up and food trucks, this should be a cracker of a day. This Saturday the flavour of the music will be Soul, Latin, Funk and Swing, meaning get your dancing shoes on if you make the trek out here (looks like it will be well worth it)

Recommended if you like: all the musical genres mentioned above, 15-hours of party, Saturdays at festivals, taking the whole family out to see how the little ones cope with festival vibes as training for a real festival, parties with a view, parties in old castles, Soul, Funk, Latino music

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