A dirty old wine tasting, minus the snobbery, in a club
Sound of Wine Winter Edition ’17
When: SAT, December 2, 4:30pm–10pm Where: Horst Entry: 20€ (includes wine, you choose whether you spit or swallow), 5€ glass deposit. With over 20 different wineries being showcased (plus a whiskey) and food from the Schwarzen Kameel, this may sound like your typical wine tasting event snobbery. However, this Saturday, the tasting will be happening in one of Vienna’s newest clubs, with the ‘Sound of Wine’ DJs on the decks. Doesn’t sound so snobby now, does it? This is one funky event organised by one funky crowd. Recommended if you like: wine tasting with DJs, koalas, drinking wine like you do beer, swallowing rather than spitting, being young and sexy, not doing what it says on the can, getting to know your local producer, wine and a good time [totop][tocat]
]]>Sat. 02nd Dec