The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Soviet vs Brazilian Jazz Part II

Soviet-era movie jazz and Brazilian Carnival Jazz takes to the stage

Soviet vs Brazilian Jazz Part II

When: THU, April 26, 7:30pm–10pm
Where: Fania Live
Entry: Pay as you wish

While this sounds like some weird sequel to that Cowboys vs Aliens film, it is actually a very friendly battle between two nations on DJ decks. Drawing on the best of Soviet Cinema Jazz, and pitting it against the best of Brazilian Jazz is a weird combo, but we like the sound of it. Sounds like it will be a laugh if anything! With Russians and vodka, there is always a party, and when you add Brazilians to the mix… well, it could be madness!

Recommended if you like: Jazz, experiencing something different to the typical techno parties, when different music genres clash in one organised, beautiful mess, mother Russia, putting on your Russian accent for a night, putting on your Indian accent for the night and telling everybody how you thought they should have included Indian jazz in the mix, carnival vibes, weird combos, philadelphia with mustard or marmite, Brazilians (both the wax job and the people)

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