The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Enjoy this special movie showcase and a cool discussion


Know that satisfying feeling when you have one of those deep and interesting discussions in the car that last forever? This special screening happening at the Stadtkino will give you exactly fuel for one of those.

You can watch the incredibly suspenseful movie, “Ordinary Creatures,” by the director, Thomas Marschall.

Meanwhile, there will be a discussion with the self-proclaimed film extremists, Michelle Koch and Alejandro Bachmann, as well as Anna Mendelssohn und Thomas Marschall, about relationships following the film. Get your tickets and get your butt in a cinema seat for the first time in a while (that is, if you haven’t managed to already). After the movie and discussion, you can join the DJ set by DJane Colette in the Gastgarten of Ludwig & Adele.


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