The Donaukanaltreiben 2021 is being spread out over summer, and it will feature a musical delight at DasWerk this Friday the 13th (a day not only popular for horror fans).
At 7pm, XING will take the stage with a musical range that swings between melancholic melodies, Hip Hop, R&B influences, and a whole lot of soul. Allow yourself to be captured by a deep, smoky voice, rhythmic beats, and intimate lyrics with socio-critical themes.
Afterward at 9:30pm, the Viennese band, Spitting Ibex, will follow to bring fresh Funk to your soul. Futuristic vintage sound or retro-future music – turn it how you please – this crowd is building musical bridges between generations.
Fri. 13th Aug
7pm — 10pm
Recommended if you like:
Music with a message, R&B, Soul, intimate and unique locations, beer and cigarettes, getting tipsy enough to tell all your friends how much you love them
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