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Stadtkino und FM4 präsentieren: Lovecut

Catch this unique teenie movie (before everyone else does)

Stadtkino und FM4 präsentieren: Lovecut

When: FRI, August 21, 8pm–10pm 
Where: MQ-MuseumsQuartier Wien
Entry: free!

Adulting sucks… like seriously sucks. Especially when you’re constantly questioning your body and identity.

In LOVECUT, you’ll follow the lives of 6 youths as they discover their sexuality, love, and the rollercoaster that is relationships. Catch this coming-of-age film, being screened by the frame out open air cinema, at the MuseumsQuarter before its nation-wide release on the 28th. For more info, visit the organiser’s webpage!

Here’s a sneak peek:

Lovecut Trailer - ab 28. August im Kino

Recommended if you like: mimicking different actors in different roles, Michael Cane impressions, series bingeing, couch surfing, coming-of-age stories you can relate to, open-air cinema, getting emotional at the cinema

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