Try out open air yoga in Stadtpark
Summeryoga in Stadtpark – Mindful Hatha Yoga goes outdoor!
When: every Tuesday until September 11, 6pm-7:30pm
Where: Stadtpark (next to Meierei)
Entry: 12€, register here
Equipment: bring your own yoga mat!
This summer yoga event in Stadtpark is THE possibility for you to finally try yoga for the first time. Barbara from Mindful Hatha Yoga will be teaching classic Hatha Asanas (that’s the thing you do with your body) in combination with the right Pranayamas (that’s the thing you do with your breathing). This summer, open-air session will only be 12 bucks (which is a steal, if you ask us).
Recommended if you like: being very mindful with what you’re doing, breathing, being eyed by people in the park, finally getting some exercise done, living on the bright side of life, connecting your strong body with your strong mind
Tue. 10th Jul — Tue. 11th Sep