Enjoy a night full of good Techno music at Pratersauna
Super Motel 168 w/ Baltra (NYC)
When: FRI, March 22, 11pm–6am
Where: Pratersauna
Entry: 10€
Pratersauna will be getting your heart rate up at this party packed full of high energy Techno music from live DJs.NYC-based DJ, Baltra, will be hitting the decks, and a few others like dMIT.RY and DOS will be there too. Get a taste of the music here:
Recommended if you like: staying in motels, motel life, always wondering if anyone ever died in your motel, getting naked in the Sauna and arguing with the bouncer as to why it is ok that you are naked, it’s a European thing, jumping in the pool at the Sauna when you’re ready to leave and getting kicked out
Fri. 22nd Mar