The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Super Motel 168 w/ Demuja (Madhouse Records / Freerange Rec.)

A funky House party at the Sauna

Super Motel 168 w/ Demuja (Madhouse Records / Freerange Rec.)

When: FRI, July 13, 11pm–6am
Where: Pratersauna
Entry: 10€ < 12:30am > 13€

If you get there after midnight, it will already be the 14th and you can party on safely in the knowledge that you have avoided any misfortune happening on the unlucky day of Friday the 13th. And you can focus on getting crazy to Demuja headlining who will be playing their funky House mixes on the decks.


Recommended if you like: Funky House, staying in motels, motel life, always wondering if anyone ever died in your motel, being at the final leg of a tour, getting naked in the Sauna and arguing with the bouncer as to why it is ok that you are naked, its a European thing, jumping in the pool at the Sauna when you’re ready to leave and getting kicked out

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