Watch snowboarders try to surf the biggest wave in the world on the big screen
Surf Film Nacht Open Air Wien: SHAKA
When: THU, July 30, 9pm–10:30pm
Where: Kino am Dach
Entry: 10€ (9€ students), buy a ticket
In this movie screening at the Kino am Dach, you’ll see the pro-snowboarder, Mathieu Crepel, trade in his snowboard for a surfboard, and try to ride the biggest wave in the world in Hawaii – the infamous, ‘Peahi’. Sounds like an absolutely mad idea considering this wave has the nickname ‘Jaws’, but hell, we’re not the ones doing it and it sounds like a entertaining watch.
Recommended if you like: not knowing if the movie is gonna end with success or failure, hoping the guy is gonna be okay, seeing some people do things you only wish you could, watching surf movies, long hair
Thu. 30th Jul
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