The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Swingtanz Schnupperstunden bei Gürtelfrische West

Learn some funky dance moves from the professionals

Swingtanz Schnupperstunden bei Gürtelfrische West

When: every TUE & FRI, from 7pm
Where: Between Ferlberstraße and Strollgasse (between the belt lane)
Entry: free!

Thanks to the variety of trial lessons being provided by the Gürtelfrische West project, the 7th district will see some good rhythm playing out every Tuesday and Friday night. Between Felberstraße und Stollgasse, you’ll be able to choose between learning the basics of American tap dance, and the oh-so-popular dance out of the 20’s – Charleston. The workshops are free of charge, provided you promise to let loose.

Recommended if you like: checking out the new places in town, being in the ‘in’ scene, dancing on the bar, gin and tonic, old school jams, stories that start with ‘back in the day…’, wearing a fedora or a polkadot dress

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