The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Taxi Driver

You talking to me? – a classic at the cinema on the rooftop 

Taxi Driver

When:  FRI, August 17, 8:30pm–10:30pm
Where: Kino am Dach
Entry: 8/7€

Its a classic and De Niro is legendary in his role as a Taxi Driver. Playing a less than stable Vietnam Vet’ who spends his nights seeing the seedy side of the city from the vantage point of his cab. The seediness fuels his desire for violence, all while he tries to save a 12-year-old prostitute. A taste below for those who shamefully haven’t seen this classic:


Recommended if you like: Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, watching films under the stars, getting the picnic blanket out, doing the ‘you talking to me?’ line on a date, yellow cabs, those random late night chats you have with cab drivers where you think you’ve become buddies and you’ve saved him in your phone, promising to only use him from now on

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