The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Terra Incognita – Art from Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region

An exhibition showcasing art out of Southeast Asia & the specific

Terra Incognita – Art from Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region

When: THU, September 14, 6pm–9pm (until October 28)
Where: Hilger BrotKunsthalle
Entry: free

Art out of Southeast Asia and the Pacific region will be showcased on the walls of Hilger BrotKunsthalle from this Thursday, throughout September and most of October. This presents a rare opportunity to preview what is happening in the art world in the southern hemisphere (and trust us, there’s plenty going on). This art gig is organised by the crowd from curated by vienna. And if that’s not info. for ya’, find more, here.

Recommended if you like:  traveling the world, the idea of breaking your habit in being euroccentric in your cultural consumption, art and creative stuff, inspiration injections

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