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The boat taxi at Donaukanaltreiben

Hop between stages aboard the water taxi

The boat taxi at Donaukanaltreiben

When: FRI–SAT, May 24–26 | FRI: 7pm–9pm, SAT: 4pm–8pm, SUN: 4pm–7pm
Where: Salztorbühne at Salztorbrücke
Entry: free!

One of the most unique features of the Donaukanaltreiben is the boat taxi. Hopping from stage to stage throughout the festival is this little yellow boat chugging its way along the Donaukanal is a fun little feature. It comes in real handy when the masses of people crowded on the canal makes the task of getting from one side of the canal to the other like passing through somebodies slimy and sweaty intestines. Jump on the boat and be sure to wear your pirates hat.

Recommended if you like: swimming, pirates, cruising (we’re talking about cruising on a boat…), yellow boats, watching the crowd from the water, wearing your captains hat every chance you get