Dress up for a Fasching party!
The Faschingsfest 2020
When: TUE, February 25, 10pm–4am
Where: The Loft
Entry: 1€ if you’re dressed up, 5€ if you’re not
Dress up like your favorite TV series or movie star for this Fasching party. Seriously. If you dress up, you’ll get in for 1€. If you don’t dress up, you’ll pay 5€. Isn’t that a no-brainer!!? We’ll be dressing up as a Kardashian in order to save money (since they’re naked all the time, the costume will be very inexpensive ;)).
Recommended if you like: Fasching parties, costumes, dressing up as a naked celebrity, the Kardashians, getting into a party for 1€, looking the best out of everyone else at the party, putting on a new persona as you put on a new costume
Tue. 25th Feb