Energetic music telling stories on stage at Porgy & Bess
The Flying Schnörtzenbrekkers
When: TUE, December 26, 8:30pm
Where: Porgy & Bess
Entry: 20€, get your ticket here
This is one lively act as you can see below. And with them on stage, you can enjoy a mix of Jazz, classical music and Wiener Lied with a Klemzer energy all in one evening at Porgy & Bess, as The Flying Schörtzenbrekkers try to tell stories with their music. Get a taste right here:
Recommended if you like: concerts and live gigs, Jazz music events, Porgy & Bess evenings, musicians that can actually play an instrument very well, comfy evenings spent in a dark room, laughing at bizarre music performances
Tue. 26th Dec