The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

The Generations Club – Kirtag

Show off how sexy you look in a Dirndl or Lederhosen at the Pratersauna

The Generations Club – Kirtag

When: THU, August 20, 5pm
Where: Pratersauna
Entry: 15€ (includes a welcome shot of alcohol), sign up via mail

Ditch your boring, super sexy outfits you usually wear whenever you find yourself on the way to the Pratersauna and get into your Dirndl, or Lederhosen, instead!

The location (and the music DJ Roman is providing) might not make you feel like you’re chilling in the Alps, but once you’ve had some of the Brettljausn with your Spritzer or Beer, a yodel could accidentally slip out!

Recommended if you like: the way you look in your Dirndl/Lederhosen, Brettljausn, feeling connected to Austria, using traditional clothing as an excuse to show off your beautiful butt in Lederhosen, feeling sexy and traditional at the same time, pretending it’s October during Summer

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