The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

The Songs of Tom Waits by the Gun Street Girls

The Gun Street Girls playing Tom Waits’ songs

The Songs of Tom Waits by the Gun Street Girls

When: THU, October 31, 8pm–11pm
Where: Salon Schräg
Entry: 15€ (10€ students)

It’ll be happening again – a homage to Tom Waits. And a tribute band, the Gun Street Girls, will perform his songs on stage. But don’t worry, they won’t be imitating him (because that would be lame, doncha’ think?), they’ll be giving the songs their own personal touch. Be at the Salon Schräg this Thursday if you’re afan of old Waits’ gravely voice, and it’ll be 15€ for ‘ya.

Recommended if you like: tribute bands, people who imitate others, live performances, gravely voices, songs with soul, poetry in song, Tom Waits

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