The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

The Who And The What – Burgtheater

Catch a play at the Burgtheater

The Who And The What – Burgtheater

When: TUE, December 25, 7pm–8:45pm
Where: Burgtheater
Entry: 43-59€, get your tickets here

If you haven’t gotten enough of your own family drama yet this Christmas season try out a dramatic piece of theatre at the Burgtheater. The story centers around a muslim man and his two daughters and the life events which test their relationships. This play by Ayad Akhtar sheds light on the relationship between Islam and the role women play in society.

Recommended if you like: live theatre, dramatic plays, dressing up to go to the theatre, family drama, tough topics, deflecting some of your own family drama at the theatre, plays by Ayad Akhtar, the beautiful Burgtheater, getting out of the house

Photo ©️ Reinhard Werner/Burgtheater

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