The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

'To the Night' – Premiere & Screening

Go to an exclusive movie premiere or a special screening this week

‘To the Night’ – Premiere & Screening

When: THU & FRI, June 13 & June 14, 8pm–11pm Where: Stadtkino Wien Entry: 10€, buy a ticket to the premiere here or reserve your spot via ????????????????????????????????????@????????????????????????????????????????????????????.???????? To The Night is a movie about a guy named Norman, a survivor of a tragic fire accident, who has had to live with survivor guilt and who is overwhelmed by his past one night. This week will be the premiere and a special screening of To The Night at Stadtkino and Caleb Landry Jones (actor), Jana McKinnon (actress) and Peter Brunner (director) will be at both events! Recommended if you like: Vienna Film Akademie,chewing gum in a very intense way, live discussions with film makers, Stadtkino Wien, red velvet seats, nibbling on popcorn while intensely staring at the big screen [totop] [tocat]]]>

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