The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Tonabnahme, Experimentelle Musik

Check out this Experimental sound workshop

Tonabnahme, Experimentelle Musik

When: SAT, August 22–SUN, August 23, 11am–4pm
Where: WEST Space
Entry: 85€, register via

At this workshop happening in the new space, WEST Space, you’ll be able to experiment with various everyday objects, and a homemade audio pick-up, to morph random noises into cool sounds. If you didn’t think the sound of a plant, or that annoying fly in the room, could make a nice sounding sound installation, this workshop might prove otherwise.

Recommended if you like: experimenting with everything you can find, making music out of everything, learning from masters of their craft, changing your perception of things, being artistic, drumming on every surface you can find

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