The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

TRIO SteirerHuat im Garten der KLIMT VILLA

Enjoy jazzy tunes at the Klimt Villa

TRIO SteirerHuat im Garten der KLIMT VILLA

When: SAT, July 11, 5pm–6pm
Where: Klimt Villa
Entry: free!

It’s time to celebrate on Saturday in the garden of the Klimt Villa! Because Gustav Klimt would have turned 158 this year!! ….Wait, what? Okay, we know what you’re thinking and we agree, 158 years is not the most interesting anniversary, but who cares? There is always a reason to celebrate, or in this case: there is always a reason to spend time at a fancy location while listening to the fine tunes by the gypsy jazz trio, SteirerHuat!

Recommended if you like: celebrating Gustav Klimt, jazzy tunes, actively looking for a reason to celebrate, tapping your fingers to the sound of jazz because you’re feeling it, feeling those summer vibes, feeling oh so cultural

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