The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Über Leben am Land & Future Scenarios

Feast your eyes on these two photo exhibitions

Über Leben am Land & Future Scenarios

When: March 23 – August 25
Where: Kunst Haus Wien
Entry: 12€

Kunst Haus Wien is currently hosting two photo exhibitions. One exhibition is about rural living which makes us want to kick our boots off and walk around bare foot. The other exhibition is about climate change and what may or may not happen to our climate in the future. Which makes us want to put our shoes back on. You know, just to be safe. Treat your eyes and check out these exhibitions.

Recommended if you like: photography, photo exhibitions, taking your shoes off, putting your shoes back on just in case, climate change, rural living, doing something really cultured that you can brag about later, Kunst Haus Wien

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