The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Coffee, snacks and sweet morning sounds

Ukulele Matinée in Cafe Fürth

When: SUN, July 1, 11:00 am
Where: Cafe Fürth
Entry: Free!

Fürth Kaffee is one of Vienna’s few coffee roasters, and they also have crazy good Third Wave Coffee skills. With them doing coffee so perfectly, and the atmosphere there being laid back all the time, we tend to believe this ukulele event is a perfect way to spend a chilled Sunday morning. They have 2 bands performing, both made up  of ukulele sounds and voice. Plus, the entrance is free!

Recommended if you like: having a soundtrack with your coffee, ukulele sounds, being a morning person, seizing the day, starting your Sunday with a cultural event, duos, acoustic music

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