The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Have a Electronic music adventure @ Unsafe + Sounds Festival 2018

A festival for adventurous electronic music + arts

Have a Electronic music adventure @ Unsafe + Sounds Festival 2018

When: October 2-13
Where: Nordbahnhalle, Fluc, Venster99, Arena, Alte Schmiede 
Entry: 60€, for a festival pass here. Single tickets can be bought for every show.

A wave of “adventurous” electronic artists will be hitting Vienna’s shores this month when the Unsafe + Sounds Vienna music festival rolls up. They claim to be much more than a music festival, aiming to investigate the relationship between fundamental changes in our environment and aesthetics, and “look for apt noises for our disturbed existence.” The theme of the festival is Brutal Times, and the results should act as medication for these pathological times we live in.  Sounds like a treat and some serious stuff!

Find the full line-up, program and participating locations, here.

Recommended if you like: bringing variety to your Spotify playlists, music with a message, being a concerned member of our society, finding like-minded people, adventurous electronic music, alternative locations

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