The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

UrbanIn Grand Rooftop Club | Grand Hotel

Party like a rockstar in Vienna’s first district

UrbanIn Grand Rooftop Club | Grand Hotel

When: every Wednesday throughout summer until August 26, 5pm–11:30pm
Where: Freiluft
Entry: free! Register for the event

A gathering of the finest order on the rooftop of Vienna’s city terrasse will be happening on Wednesday. Join the hosts of UrbanIn as they introduce you to the world of business, lifestyle & innovation, and all of this with a chilled drink in your hand. To attend the exclusive after-work affair, register online and you’re automatically in the draw to win a bottle of champagne for your colleagues, your friends, or simply just for you. For more info on the rooftop club, see their Facebook page.

Recommended if you like: living on the unusual side of life (wherever that may be), gummi bears, beer and cigarettes, checking out the new bars as soon as they open, cocktails, randomly speaking in Old English 

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