Get inspired to travel the world (or to stay at home) at this open air movie night
Urlaub am Dach | Weit
When: MON, August 17, 8:30pm–10:30pm Where: Kino am Dach Entry: 9–10€, buy a ticket (no tickets are sold at the door) Have you ever dreamed of leaving everything behind and traveling the world? Yes? Then make sure to be at the open air cinema, Kino am Dach, this Monday night to see a film about a young couple who decided to travel around the world with hardly any money and without boarding any planes! Here’s a taste of their adventure: [fve][/fve] Recommended if you like: travel stories, visiting different cultures, watching people travel so you don’t have to, finding out more about the world we live in, popcorn, seeing more of the world without leaving your town [totop] [tocat]]]>Mon. 17th Aug
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