The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

VIECC Quiz Night Marvel vs DC @TGI Fridays

See how well you really know the DC & Marvel Universe

VIECC Quiz Night Marvel vs DC @TGI Fridays

When: THU, July 30, 7pm–10:30pm 
Where: TGI Fridays Vienna
Entry: 10€, reserve & buy a ticket

The year-long feud you’ve had with your best friend over ‘Batman vs. Iron Man – Who earns more money?’ may come to a epic climax after the Vienna Comic Con quiz night at TGI Fridays (well, you could have just Googled it) In groups of max. 4 you can make use of all the comic book references that you know and you’ll have a shot at winning tickets to the next VIECC. To take part in the quiz, reserve your seats via

Recommended if you like: the virtual world more than the real world, having an avatar name like ‘hunglikeadonkey,’ chicken soup on rainy days, gaming, developing new games, learning about a whole world you never knew existed, anime

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