The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Vienna Ensemble: Den Wein, den man mit Augen trinkt

Enjoy some live chamber music at the Turnhalle

Vienna Ensemble: Den Wein, den man mit Augen trinkt

When: FRI, May 10, 8pm–9:30pm
Where: Turnhalle
Entry: 10/18€, Includes a glass of sekt, get your tickets, here

Do you enjoy music that involves instruments that don’t plug in? Need a little live chamber music in your life? We thought so. So we found you some. Head out to the Turnhalle at Brick 5 this Friday and hear some old-school instruments (you know, Violin, Piano, those kinds of pre-Electronica instruments) live and in action. You won’t leave disappointed.

Recommended if you like: live music with acoustic instruments, the kinds of instruments that don’t have an on/off switch or come out of a computer, wearing your favorite shawl because that’s what fancy people do, sipping a little sekt from other people’s glasses when they’re not looking