Watch a classic cartoon at the cinema on Christmas Eve!
When: SUN, December 24, 2:30pm–4:30pm
Where: Votivkino/De France
Entry: 7.60€/8.90€/9.60€
While it seems like a strange choice of film to be showing at Christmas time seeing as it has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas, we do not mind one bit, as it is one of our all time favourite Disney films full of our all-time favourite shower songs – the Jungle Book. We even heard there will be a live performance of ‘King of the Swingers’… (there is not, we only do that after a few drinks at karaoke, we will try and keep it under control in the cinema).
Recommended if you like: being the King of Swingers, singing ‘the bare necessities’ in the shower, jungle VIP, Mowgli, cartoons, getting out of the house on Christmas eve, chilled family outings, getting non-Christmas related ear worms
Sun. 24th Dec