The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Head to this fascinating theatre production on the real-life antics of Pocahontas

Weißer Rauch

When: October 21–November 9
Where: Theater Drachengasse
Entry: 19€ (full price), 10€ (students), reserve a ticket

Weißer Rauch (or ‘White Smoke’) is the premiere of a production looking at the history of Pocahontas. Most of us know the Disney-fied version of this story, but did you know that in 1607 the real life-Pocahontas (known also as Matoaka and Amonute) aged around 10, saved the settler John Smith from execution? And that he then went on to establish the first permanent English settlement in America? Sometimes we suspect Disney are not getting the facts straight in those animated documentaries they’re making. If you’d like to know more, go see this fascinating play!

Recommended if you like: real-life versions of Disney stories, Pocahontas, learning about history but in a fun way, educating youself, the theeeeaatre daaahling, theatre productions, stroking your chin

Picture © Barbara Pálffy

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