The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Weiss enthält alle Farben

An art exhibition exploring alienation – the opening 

Weiss enthält alle Farben

When: FRI–SAT, May 11–June 23, 12pm–6pm
Where: Photon Gallery Vienna
Entry: TBA

Central to this fascinating exhibition’s theme is ‘Alienation.’ The gallery has invited 8 Vienna-based artists to explore not only this topic, but obviously also themselves in relation to it. This Friday will see the vernissage (normally there some free drinks, but don’t take our word on that) happening as the 8 creatives put their politics, experiences and opinions regarding Alienation on display.

Recommended if you like: graphic design, getting all philosophical over a cup of coffee, being happy, licking your nose with your tongue, being from outta’ space, typically incomprehensible art exhibition blurbs, creative inspiration, the free booze that comes with an exhibtion opening

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