The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Wet Spinach, I'm a Sloth and The Heroine Whores at dasBach Wien

A lot of Grunge happening at DasBach this Thursday

Wet Spinach, I’m a Sloth and The Heroine Whores at dasBach Wien

When: THU, May 10, 7:30pm–2am Where: DasBACH Entry: 8€ Vienna-based Grunge Punk Rock band, I’m a Sloth, the Heavy Rock band mixed with Punk from Linz, Wet Spinach, and the Grungy outfit out of Germany, The Heroine Whores, will all perform in one bigy night of concerts at DasBach this Thursday. We’re loving their band names, so we assume it will be a fun night, if nothing else. For 8 bucks, you can get some of the fun, too, if you’re into this kinda’ music. [fve] [/fve] Recommended if you like: a lot of grunge, bearded men, Nirvana, speaking like a sloth, big speakers and big sound, heavy guitar riffs, making farting sounds with your armpit, the rough and ready type, [totop] [tocat]]]>

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