The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Wiener ImproClub hosted by English Lovers

An improv show where you can join the actors up on stage

Wiener ImproClub hosted by English Lovers

When: MON, June 18, 7:30pm–10:30pm
Where: Spektakel
Entry: 7€, reserve via

The talented Vienna-based Improv theatre group English Lovers, hosts regular English comedy and improv shows. This Monday, they’ll be hosting the Wiener ImproClub at Spektakel. They’ll be making shit up as they go, like the pros they are! And that’s not all: during the second half of the evening, they’ll invite you to join them up on stage in their open jam session and so you can have a go at making shit up as you go.

Recommended if you like: theatre and improv pieces, sitting in the dark for a few hours, actors and actresses, mingling with like-minded people, laughing so hard your belly hurts, expecting the unexpected, doing something well outside your comfort zone

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