The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Wiener Wiesn Fest #dahoam

Vienna’s modest answer to the Oktoberfest

Wiener Wiesn Fest #dahoam

When: September–October
Where: On your couch!
Entry: TBA

In recent years, Vienna’s hosted a beer-swilling festival with lederhosen and traditional brass band music heard in upper Austria and Bavaria. This time around, because of COVID-19 the situation has changed and The Wiener Wiesn Fest was quick to adapt. Have a taste of the Wiesn Fest within your own four walls with an assorted #dahoam basket. You’ll be able to enjoy typical Austrian delicacies from your dinner table and being your own bartender gives you the perks of bottomless Lager, prost! 😉

For more information on when you’re basket will be ready for send-off stay updated on the event’s website!

Recommended if you like: leather pants, dirndls, the Austrian national costume, digital parties, social distance drinking, listening to local folk music, being jolly and happy

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