The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

WUK Platzkonzert

A free Indie Pop Rock concert at WUK

WUK Platzkonzert

When: WED, July 25, 8:30pm–11pm
Where: WUK
Entry: free!

The Austrian musician Bertram has already had his hands in many other music projects before, but since 2016, he’s going solo. In his Indie Pop Rock music, you’ll also find his observations on today’s society and social criticism. This Wednesday, he’ll be playing a WUK Platzkonzert for free! Listen to one of his songs, here:


Recommended if you like: Indie Pop music, local talents, free concerts, red bricked buildings, live music, checking out home-grown talent, chilled out concerts, small gigs,

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