The English speaking magazine. Making the most out of Vienna and life.

Wunderkammer – Raritätenmarkt. Frühsommer – Vergnügen!

Add some new unique stuff to your collection of unique stuff

Wunderkammer – Raritätenmarkt. Frühsommer – Vergnügen!

When: SUN, June 23, 10am–5pm
Where: Volkskundemuseum
Entry: free!

This market will be very interesting for anyone who loves rare, weird, old or unique stuff. We don’t know what else you can purchase there, but you will definitely find something for your nerdy collecting passion or your fancy apartment. This is a pretty unique event so if you feel even a little bit tempted then maybe just move your lazy ass and give it a try.

Recommended if you like: collecting weird things, getting lost in your grandma’s old closet full of interesting useless stuff, being nerdy

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