Come witness the world famous X-Ecutioners!
X-Ecutioners live @Super Unusual Beings
When: TUE, December 19, 7:30pm–1am
Where: Super Unusual Beings
Entry: tba
This week, one of the biggest Hip Hop DJ groups of all time will cross the pond for the first time in years and play at the SUB in Vienna. We’re talking about X-Ecutioners. The US-based group have been producing music since the 90s and took the mainstream charts by storm in early 2000. Their live shows usually consist of 2 hours of jaw-dropping group performances, turntable solos, party rocking DJs and tributes to their fellow musicians. Here’s one of their collabs with Linkin Park:
Recommended if you like: turntablism, hip hop music, flat-brimmed baseball caps, being serious about your music, thrusting your crutch in an inappropriate way in the club
Tue. 19th Dec